Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Marble Cool - Dionysian Cuts

The crude and the pure: one seeks a purity of expression that verges on being a crude poetics…

Eros is always about our desire for the impossible-real, not the real of our egoistic illusions that imprisons relationships, but the real that eludes materiality…

Dionysus dances techno, feeding on grapes of rainbow pills, singing tales of chemical sex, lust and love…

Sparkling nights, where everything twinkles, eyes, lights, skies, and desires…

…beauties who nurse their skin by moonlight and stagger around the meat rack, abyssal eyes spiralling with drugs for every star. All those girls that go too far, prolonging the ecstasy till dawn…maybe…just maybe, share a spiritual secret…

Pills of many colours reflected the caramel opaqueness of smack…

Sweat and ecstasy remained in a state of lived music. Hard-edged, metallic, molecular and bass driven: abstract rhythms of silvery nights…

…on the dance floor a crowd locked into the groove, faces and bodies cutting angular shadows against geometric patterns of coloured beams…

…naked…the girl’s skin perspired a dense abstractness, mirroring hues of metallic blues, greens and rusty silvers; the colours shimmered, rearranging shifting surfaces across her marble-cool skin …unhinged from the beat ambiance, she looked like a beautiful otherworldly extraterrestrial siren washed up on the sublime shores of an alien lust…

Time and matter, for once, stood still…hours, minutes and seconds dripped dropped like sinuous lava, melting everything, stripping all of life’s lust and pornography away…yet, full of erotic longing….

…lights made of infinite colours drawing vectors and arcs of optical designs, greeted us beyond the boundaries of time and space…