Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Spaces of Desire

The basic level of an enclosed gathering, should strive to be a conceptual and creative platform beyond all profane origin: creating a total multi­dimensional and polymorphous experience, within an environment which accepts and encourages loss of individualism, heterogeneous diversity and unfettered expressionism. A multi‑dimensional event which would take being on all levels - social identity, looks, age, sexual orientation and gender would be dissolved in the continuum of a boundless circumference. Something for everybody, without loss of purity, ambiguity or aesthetic form...

Such events would be multi‑faceted and work on a variety of levels, providing something for everyone, by connecting disparate elements: all those elements which do not go together in the day light of the work/economic world above, would be uncovered, and have a chance to bear fruit. The night connects, the day disconnects...