Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Calling

Saw a beautiful face of a darkly woman appearing out of the top branches of a ..tree blowing in the wind, above my window. Quite an uncanny appearance almost surreal in its face-branch design, a true epiphany…one always waits, mostly in vain, for these spiritual singularities/events to happen which open-up for an instant the suffocating no-exit immanence of material existence….from time to time, a luminous sign of an exit called transcendence flashes in the dark cinemas of our existential matter…

…and talking about events and matter, London after New-York and Madrid has been hit by a series of “terrorists” attacks. As if life wasn’t difficult enough keeping a job down and commuting to work everyday…of those London commuters who woke up this morning to go to work like any other day, some of them are dead, and most of them are severely injured…keeping a job down in the major cities of the west is becoming like Russian roulette...of course, this is what the terrorists want, to breed a perpetual atmosphere of fear, disorientation and panic, to break down the “enemy” psychologically and socially… this is the ultimate Foucauldian breeding of the “panopticon”: the ultimate presence in the most widest sense possible with the fewest means - the terrorist eyes and presence are everywhere covering the largest area possible, even when they are not there, and no bombs are present - the terrorists also know their Deleuze, to avoid major capture keep the cells rhizomatic and avoid the tree…