Tuesday, March 08, 2011

To Whom it may be…

Yes you are right, it's a sad city, melancholic... a strange and fascinating kind of beauty, the ethereal beauty of sadness and darkness (especially the "misty" Montmartre, near where I live), I'm kind of gothic sometimes, and psychedelic at other times :)) and you ?

All true passions are mere shadows to the images of words, the "photography" that words bring to life - all kinds of images, literature, poetry, fictions, philosophy...

...well who doesn't like travelling the freedom of the world? What does travelling inspire you? Travelling the TRANCE festivals of the world and dancing to the electric beats of the earth, to dance by a full moon on the pure white beaches of GOA ::))) pure heaven in a sea of aluminium...

..to feel the bodily music of language running through my veins... the blood of life...    

Yes, yes it is all about chemistry.. all about “elective affinities”...

...Feel the freedom and just do it...

Sunday, March 06, 2011

The revolution will not be televised...

In may 1967, Marxist Henri Lefebvre ridiculed Guy Debord’s situationist insistence that revolution was just around the corner. “Do they really imagine", he wrote:

that one fine day or one decisive evening people will look at each other and say, 'Enough l We're fed up with work and boredom Let's put an end to them and that they will then proceed to the eternal Festival and the creation of situations?"

Although Lefebvre conceded that such a “situation” “happened once”, at the dawn of 18 March 1871, of which eye-witness accounts reported at the time that a : “tremendous surge of community and cohesion gripped those who had previously seen themselves as isolated and impotent puppets, dominated by institutions they could neither control nor understand”.

It’s unlikely to be the case again under present Capitalist condition of abundant consumerism Lefebvre added, one year later the whole of France stopped for a month, in the revolt of May 68 across all classes and divides, for: “We don’t want a world where the guarantee of not dying of starvation brings the risk of dying of boredom “: ...“great joy that we experienced for the first time in the streets of Paris during May 1968, that joy in the eyes and on the lips of all those who for the first time were talking to each other” (Alain Jouffroy).

The joy that is happening right now in the Arab world, with the big difference that people have died and are dying for it. For only death gives the seal authenticity to a revolution not sponsorised by Google or Coca Cola light. If there is no blood, no revolution, progress always rides the wrong way of violence and terror...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Humpty Dumpty...said Alice...

"When I use a word" Humpty Dumpty said "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less." But as all beautiful girls know: "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

We are all in Wonderland when we use words to locate the so called map of the world. So, enjoy the ride of semantics in the Russian roulette of meaning...

Welcome to the chaosmos...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What I believe in...

I believe in the beauty of girly web-cams through the horizons of our computerized delusions; in the girly shadows of a gothic kiss; in overexposed flesh burning its shades like the sizzling light of a rainbow by moonlight; in burning moons and dead suns.

I believe in the curved edges of exhibitionism, pregnancy and bondage; in female youth taken by the sudden budding of their breasts; in the silent murmurs of orgasms taken by infraction; in the spiral waves of pain and pleasure; in the spellbound transparency of rain drops, in the luxuriance insouciance of ivory nudity.

I believe in the deserted highways of car crashes lighting up the boredom of our eyes; in the empty rooms of Hopperian solitude; in the adolescent flagrances of suburbia; in the blank gaze of security cameras by empty trash bins.

I believe in the waves of frozen music by synthesizers unbeknown; in the high-tech transparency of glass towers glimmering by sunlight; in neon lights of artificial demurs by a two-moon junction.

I believe in all the synthetic possibilities of pharmacology marooned in the virtual light of our digitalised infinity.

I believe in the violent cotton dream lands of blow and smack, long live the new flesh; in the molten nights of Acid corrosion, in the DMT worlds of swirling vistas at high pitching speeds, in the four letter words of ecstasy: MDMA.

I believe in the curvature of space without gravity, in ellipses without inflexion, in fractals without repetition.

I believe in the sublime beauty of dying stars by a millions of a second in the black holes of our anthropomorphized delusions; in the sombre and tranquil beauty of Voyager Il reaching the edges of our solar system shining its ocular metallic perfection in the abyssal silence of an interrogation; in the tranquil beauty of cosmic photography with its snapshots of stellar bodies unseen to mankind’s anthropomorphic gaze.

I believe in the chiasmic dance of Shiva and Kali creating the world in arrays of space and lust; in the interplay of ascetic repetitions and ecstatic differences in all things.

I believe in the beauty of crystals as yet unproduced by our silicon and carbon formalities...

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Answers for a question

Marcel Duchamp playing a muse for a dream
Is death the dream of life? Are we living the death of being born by the shadows of our inexistence? Is death the waking-up of our dream?

The sphinx calls the phoenix by playing the chess of life against itself..

Friday, January 28, 2011

Montage as Animism

William S Burroughs reported to Ginsberg, in their correspondence, the Yage Letters, that the psychedelic plant : " Yage is space time travel ... new races as yet unconceived and unborn, combinations not yet realized passes through your body. Migrations, incredible journeys through deserts and jungles and mountains ", what Gilles Deleuze would call the virtual, Bergson’s cone of passing time, in which the tip is the passing present under a never ending pushing of time’s presence, in which everything that happens in its infinity of detail (a leaf falling for a twitch of a breeze) is recorded for all eternity and perpetually reshuffled by the passing present of actualized time (what is actually done), Jung’s collective unconscious as yet unrealized …Borges’ hexagonal library of Babel playing its infinity of references in the limited boundaries of the alphabet or ideograms…in fact the “potential” or the “virtual” (what doesn’t happen but could) is just the simple fact of the everlasting (weight of the) past in its relation to the ever stretching present, which like a pebble thrown in a pond, ripples its concentric effects by waves of kaleidoscopic shifts in a perpetual reshuffle of the cards, a perpetual rearranging the past, what we simply call the future…difference and repetition, difference in repetition, repetition in difference…

As Burroughs would say, life is a cut-up, life is made of cut-ups; time is the fabric of life, the mere juxtaposing of the cut-ups of history, whether personal, human or cosmic…montage as animism…

Calling up…cutting up, cutting up all the texts of the world and reassembling them in new positions, thus creating new meanings which subvert Control and Power, Matter, DNA itself, “Il n'y a pas de hors-texte“ … “There is no outside-text” to quote Derrida.

When the Text is cut-up new spontaneous meanings emerge, meanings which were not inherent in the original Text, spewing a way out of the Control mechanisms of Language… infecting virus-like, from one person to another, from one generation to another… how we experiences our inner and external environment, Language is the boundary in which we experience the touching of the world… we touch the world with Words…and kick-it-up with cut-ups..

Burroughs redefines the kick as, "seeing things from a special angle, to Kick is momentary freedom from the chains of the aging, cautious, nagging, frightened flesh."… by removing deeper from the Language fix..Let the dice role... and the right-0n the edge of Chaos combination emerge…

As Burroughs said : “Out of hundreds of possible sentences that I might have used, I chose one"

..the one and only…

…like in the 1920s when DaDa Founder Tristan Tzara created a poem on the spot by pulling words out of a hat…too much to bear for mere humans…a riot ensued and wrecked the theater at which these Dada poetical muses where happening..l.ater AndrĂ© Breton expelled Tristan Tzara from the Surrealist movement…and Freud grounded the cut-ups in the psychoanalyst’s “free associations” method, in order to master and repress the irrevocable chaos of the cut-ups, of the animism of the Word made flesh, yet again..